untitled fashion show • provocation

The final moments [before I relocate away from this home]

Beginning with the Untitled Fashion Show

untitled is an homage to unbounded imagination

bringing form to a formless contrivance of the mind - the spirit - the heart - the young one that knows and feels with realness. 

true character made from the winds of the dreams, from the breaths of the figments and the visions. 

in the corners and the space between the worlds we write from.

our garments are timeless and tuned

presenting the future in the landscape of the past

discombobulating the rigid rods of static time.

untitled is an homage to co-creation as a mode.

our creators derive the code from the source they need not search for

the source that lies relentlessly within - under - throughout - between…

our creators catapult the drives with fearlessness.

our creators bare their teeth in the faces of the beast

become the beast

burn the stakes and build stages in their place

run down the runways so free 

glittering wind gracing the face.

untitled is an homage to that which we cannot see

bringing form to the formless - antimoniously.

lights, camera, presence. 

this is all happening here, and now.

this ends not after the bow.

this is the telling of an eternal story

the story of a soul with a desire

alongside another who helps fan the fire.

this show began as nothing but air.

this is a story of wit, ambition, freedom, faith, sheer miracle

utter and even irrational partnership with the universe divine.

this story is mine.

this story is yours.

For the inner world + the outer child

More magic to come.


preparing to move


in the night <3