preparing to move

Preparing to move to London |  journal entry

When I am off, in new territory, with nothing in the physical from this life before, and I ask myself, what now?

I will have to begin building up my own artistic and spiritual practices. Beginning again. 

The Proverbial Blank Slate. 

Beginning again involves Jung’s process of Individuation.

The lifelong project of becoming the whole earthly person we are intended to be.

(Who the divine intended me to be)

If I stand in the presence of my own mystery, I will see

A faithful darkness.

I will hear a cacophony of sweet affirmation.

I will receive the answers to statements that are still being written.

There will be a meditative flowing of the river conscious.

Fine crackles from the flames.

A silent torching of habits hardened and clung to the mystic biome.

A sweeping of the mystic biome with the breeze.

A soothing of the mystic biome with talk of love and ferocious tender life things.

I will speak poetry from the wind chimes.

I will feel purple chaos.

I will succumb to the dense vitamin that pours sunlight onto all the Earth.

I will see an expansive formless journey and be the one drawing the moon. 

I will embrace that faithful darkness.

Transmute doubt into delight.

I will set sail and take flight.

I will build my home in the night.

Submerged in the prescience of my own mystery.


Hiero Nyx


untitled fashion show • provocation