it is the easiest thing, to dream and to think
that’s what most people forget.
we make things into the things that they are
we are the river, not the net.
we are the current that moves things along
we are the verse, rhythm, and melody of this song
we are the blood, the phlegm, the body made whole
for true creation comes from the soul.
dream all you like child!
you have to you must.
strengthen your will in yourself and your trust.
for when the hour comes to wade into the sea
and dash from that cozy womb of thought and fantasy
you must go
you must.
release all the dust!
and trust
this grey glitter turns gold.
the shimmering litter are mere patterns old
beckoning: “come hither! embrace me! i’m cold.”
be bold
and refuse
for your womb work is done.
you did all that was needed
the dreaming
the fun
the basking in the sun
the ideas being spun
now go!
into the near and dear land
where plans are planted and grow
and missions are visions with a tangible glow
hands moving rapidly
breathing is slow
reality is a dream you are getting to know.
now go.
launch this rocket to space
for you are the comet
the entire milky way
the home to your dreams and scenes they portray
the outpour of sprinkling suns in the day
it is your action that commences this play.
go child!
for like cream your ideas will expire
your creative bones will wither and tire
your quick power nap will seep into slumber
a sleep so deep your nights will outnumber.
slip out of your grip
quick! jump, hop and skip
into the night
down the legendary strip.
where legends who’ve made it
who’ve made their names known
whose seeds have been sown
whose visions have grown
embrace you
and praise you
and welcome you home.