my scent is that of a really good magic show. a dark and macabre cabaret. the full moon hangs down on a thin silver string. my galactic chandelier. my hideaway. they call me madam moon dancer, head maitre D. the shaker and waker of your life. come relax in my love seat, pour up a sprite, and watch as I create my reality…
there lies in my backyard a portal. an energetic ecosystem home to the peace in my soul. through this portal my body recharges. I stand on the edge of the deck and dive forward into the lush green net, sink and elevate for a while. then emerge with a spine of vines and vitality, leaves dancing in my hair, all of the living animalia at my feet, and a peace that has always been there.
I leap through my bedroom window and meet with the smoke of my sage. the closing of a ceremony opens up the portal. I accept, and accelerate to the next stage.
this life is but a series of challenges, though challenging they need not be. sometimes it’s as simple as deciphering the message from the morning crow or the picture in your tea. by challenge I mean mystical task. metaphysical to-do list created by the past. a circuit of uncanny adventure. endless sensation. delicious creation. your life. your craft. your station.
your will. your thoughts. your patterns. your amount of time spent alone. your compliments to yourself. your indulgence in others. your fingers. your hands. your sisters. your mothers. your wild and understated lovers. your breakfast, lunch and non-physical dinner. your morning stretch. your sigh of relief. your hum in anticipation. your gasp in pure elation. your deep breaths out in the busy moving world. your life is being co-created with every thing you do. it’s a beautiful game of existence and rapture, between the universe and you.