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september twelfth • sunset

elemental production

the greatest of them all

sky and fixtures set the stage while

breeze sets the ambiance

foliage frames any runaway light

silhouetting the pure

securing the promise of a good show to come

that faint sound in the distance

must be the main event

let us all gather and be proposed to by this elemental production • let the tops of our heads pop off in creative ecstasy • (ideas abound!) • let’s all rotate our hips in creative arousal • clap and shout when the inspiration strikes • hold my hand as we board this ship and sail on to lands of uncapped potential • complimentary materials to use in thriving • may we recount the tales of rejuvenation • may we act differently • home ourselves in the land like the trees so firmly planted way at the beginning • let us begin creating and never end • from the soul, the soul lives on • let us be consistent in our practices and freely sway in the wind • twirling all the way down the dazzling path • new land has been discovered • elemental reign • • •

focus moves

over the rolling mountains

along earth’s spine

— shivers sent down mine —




Dance & Light