Far Out
difficulty at the beginning
i moved
icons in the WhiteHouse • a poem
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dans la galaxie du monzy, le mouvement est le médicament d’un corps vers un autre
within the monzy galaxy, movement is the medicine from one body to another
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comme le soleil mène au fil des neuf corps célestes ∞.
like the wielding of the sun over the nine heavenly bodies ∞.
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astral à physique •` ˙ peau contre peau
astral to physical •` ˙ skin to skin
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une procession de merveille «∞•
a procession of wonder «∞•
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j’aimerais aller au-delà de ce qu’on sait du mouvement du corps §•
I would like to push beyond what we know of movement in the body §•
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et articuler le numineux à travers un mélange de danse et de mots ∞∞∞
and articulate the numinous through a blend of dance and words ∞∞∞